Beckett-Festival (Berlin 2000)
solo in the Ex-central bank of the DDR; own compositions and the suite Sands by Steve Lacy
Artforum (Offenburg 2002)
with Daniel Depoutot
Stiftneikeller Lahr (2003)
with Paul Lovens, drums
Sant Kwintens Chapel (Ghent 2004)
solo; homage to Steve Lacy
Centre Culturelle de Neudorf
(Strasbourg 2005)
duo with Daniel Depoutot
Between The Rails I (Strasbourg 2005)
solo at the canal
Stadtmuseum Jena (2006)
duo with Daniel Depoutot, who had a solo show there
What Is The Word? (Leipzig 2006)
solo within the context of an event with texts from Samuel Beckett
Between The Rails II (Strasbourg 2006)
part I: solo between the rails near the malthouse
part II: together with Daniel Depoutot in his workshop
Klang im Raum (Sound in Space) (Mühlheim an der Ruhr 2007)
Souffles (Breathings) (Perigueux 2007)
solo; together with the painter Fujitsang und the poems of Jean-Jacques Sagot
Beckett Makes Sense
(Schloß Grevensteen Ghent 2007)
with Irene Aebi, voice & Jean-Jacques Avenel, bass
Between The Rails III (Strasbourg 2008)
part I: solo between the rails near the malthouse
part II: together with Daniel Depoutot in his workshop
Il n´y a rien à pleurer
Beckett-Radioplay-Concert-Evening (Freiburg 2009)
solo concert combined with the two radioplays Esquisse Radiophonique and Words And Music (s. RADIO); an event organized by the Literaturbüro Freiburg